NPP from various perspectives --Japanese protestsWe strongly disagree with restarting NPP.

We have got mainly 3 reasons why we appeal to public opinion.

First, we have enough electricity without NPP’s help. After TEPCO’s Nuclear disaster, all NPPs were stopped to generate electricity. Nevertheless, we could have own life without any disablement. Now, only 5 NPPs are in operation but if we stopped all of those NPPs, probably it would not influence on our lives. Thermal power plants and others can supply all of electricity.

Second, we should not leave radioactive waste for after ages. Operating NPPs increases in number of nuclear wastes. These wastes are really dangerous and hazardous. Moreover, the places of treating with such toxic wastes especially the wreck of Fukushima NPP are still not decided yet in Japan. The garbage we cannot handle should not be compounded or Japan would be land of toxic waste.

Finally, this Japan has a lot of earthquakes which cause tsunami. The main cause of TEPCO’s nuclear disaster was “unexpected” high tsunami damaged on emergency diesel engine to cold the reactors vessel. In addition that we cannot trust the safety standards of NPP which Japanese electric company establishes, it worries us that the unpredictability of earthquake. All of NPPs in Japan are located near the sea, so we do not have absolute safety.

For above reasons, we are against restarting NPPs and continue to protests to save our future.


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