
Showing posts from 2019

After reading feedback to our presentation

Hi, today, I'll write about feedback to our final presentation on 25, July. We got 4 comments from our classmates and teacher. ・When you said "photogenic" photos, it might had been better if they had examples. ・Their slides could be more simple. ・I think if more pictures used, presentation would be better. ・Make promotion video. Being based on above, I got some improvement plans for the next presentation. First, we should decrease the amount of sentences on our powerpoint to make it more simply and add more pictures instead of sentences. I think pictures help audience to understand. With them, they’ll be able to image much easier.  Second is to make a promotion video. If we have it, we can get attention of person who watched it. We should make a video which can tell how do we take activities and our goals. These 2 are our improvement plan.  I thought our presentation should have been more simple and impression. So, I want to make better presenta

Opinions of Japanese toword Nuclear Power Plants

Hi, I’m Misaki. Today, I will talk about opinions of Japanese toward NPP. I roughly divide opinions into 3 types, “totally agree”, “partly agree”, “totally disagree”. First, I will introduce some opinions of people who “totally agree” with NPP. ・ NPP can generate much more electricity than other power plants. ・ It doesn’t need so much money. ・ It doesn’t depend on the weather. ・ The region in which NPP is built can get a lot of financial profit from it. Second, I will write opinions of people who partly agree with NPP. ・ On condition that we imagine an accident can be happened anytime and provide an education for residents and workers, I agree with NPP. ・ If the safety is improved and risks for accidents will be excluded, I agree with it. ・ Because we cannot cover the demand of electricity without NPP, it cannot be helped. Finally, I will introduce dissenting opinions. ・ It needs much money to improve the safety, even if it doesn’t need money

What is NPP?

Hi, I’m Misaki. Today, I’m going to talk about what nuclear power plant is. Nuclear power plant is one of the methods of generating electricity. This method was started all over the world about 50 years ago. It uses power of nuclear. First, uranium atoms are split into smaller parts – this process called fission. Fission generates thermal energy. And this energy make water boiled. The steam which is produced at that time turn a turbine generator to generate electricity. As features of nuclear power plants, this doesn’t discharge CO ² . So, we can say that nuclear power plant is more kind to the earth than the other power generation methods. However, this has some problems. It is hard to treat radioactive wastes, which are produced while the process of nuclear power generation. In March 11, 2011, in Fukushima, Japan, an accident happened because of a big earthquake and tsunami. After that, Japanese government stopped all of the nuclear power stations in Japan. And to
Results and analysis of survey During 7/14~7/18, we conducted a survey of attitude toward nuclear power plants. This is because we need to know what Japanese and foreign people think about problems  of Japanese NPPs and how much they know of it. This survey was targeted at every ages, men and women, every countries, literally everyone so I posted my instagram, twitter and Facebook with lots of hashtags. Fortunately, I have got 34 respondents and actually great answers. What we asked about this survey is… nationality sex age agree or disagree with construction and use of NPPs which methods to generate electricity know the best how many NPPs in Japan are actually generating electricity if you are living in Japan, do you agree with restarting NPPs? and, how long should NPPs be operated? <Nationality> Most of my survey respondants are friends of mine, but some answered really nicely even though we do not know each other.  Nationalities are quite spreaded than I
New energy⑴ Geothermal Heat Considering this issue, we cannot avoid to talk about environmental damage and sustainable energy. According to Strategic energy plan, Japan plans to reduce its dependency on nuclear power as much as possible as it aims to expand renewable energy. As I wrote previous post, some developed countries’ trend is shifting from nuclear power plants to other earth-friendly energy resources such as solar power or windmill and so on. So, in this article I will talking about the new energy resources possible to generate and supply electricity in Japan. New energy is.. ・geothermal ・seaweed oil ・methane hydrate Geothermal power plant Geothermal power generation utilize the heat energy from underground magma. The water from the sky is transformed into vapor when rain penetrate the soil and reach the layer of magma. The vapor stays 1000m~3000m underground. It is general systems of geothermal power generation, digging that place so that this high temperature vapor release,
Pros and cons of NPPs / Wordcloud of this issue in this article, you can know… ・What is the problem about nuclear power plant From this article, I am going to introduce good points and bad points of construction and use of nuclear power plants by explaining each point per an article. So far, all I can come up with is following, Pros less co2 than thermal power plant uranium is cheap (at least most of countries), and can be recycled reliable and stable, massive energy  Space needed for operating a nuclear power plant is less  nuclear weapons? financial aids to the local government which has NPPs Cons radioactive waste damage on environment the method of toxic waste disposal is not sure aging and require maintenance cost to build ,stop and tear down safety aim of terrorist attack This is a wordcloud. Big words  represents frequent words of nuclear power plants’ issue. These words copied and pasted from world nuclear association . Apparently, t
How much we use, and how generate? (In this article, I am not going to state any opinions about nuclear power plant. My purpose is to clarify the fact which can be information for decision whether nuclear power plant is good or not by analyzing trustworthy statistics or graphs.) Contents Analysis of Global electricity consumption from Global Energy Statistical Yearbook 2019 How does they generate electricity in distinctive countries Do such countries have nuclear power plants? Analysis of Countries With the Most Nuclear Power Plants 1.Analysis of Global electricity consumption from Global Energy Statistical Yearbook 2019  Today, electricity is necessary for our life. We are using light, fridge, smartphone, laptop and others by consuming electricity which was generated in power plant. Before discuss nuclear power plant, I thought I need to know how much we consume electricity as a basic information. (This screenshot from Global Energy Statistical Yearboo